Mountain Biking

Savitaipale MTB Route
Savitaipale's mountain bike route is a multi-use trail that can be used for biking, walking, and skiing. The total length of the route is 28 km, and the estimated time for completing the circuit is 3 hours. The route is divided into two loops: Hullasmäki Loop, 10 km (difficulty level: easy), and Rovastinoja Loop, 18 km (difficulty level: moderate). The Hullasmäki Loop follows ski trail foundations, so biking is forbidden on this loop during snowy seasons.

Orrai path Mountain Biking Route
Savitaipale's mountain biking route in Orrai is categorized as challenging. It's recommended to allocate nearly 3 hours for completing the route. The mountain biking route follows parts of a hiking trail but circulates the Luotolahti Mountain nature reserve.
For safety reasons, the direction of travel on the mountain biking routes is indicated by trail signs. Faster riders always gives way to slower ones. The signs for the mountain biking route are wooden signs placed along the trail. The blue-based sign indicates the recreational cycling route.
Touring cycling
The Savitaipale Tour was added to the Saimaa Archipelago Route in the summer of 2021. The Savitaipale Tour is cycled in rural landscapes, partly on asphalt roads and partly on sandy paths. The scenery is mainly traditional Finnish countryside idyll.
For more information about the Savitaipale route, please visit their website.
Hiking Map
Kuolimo's Hiking Destinations
Orrai Trail
Savitaipale Route Map